Subdivision/Consolidation Information


Subdivision is the process in which a parcel of land is divided into two or more parcels, in order to obtain separate legal titles for each parcel. The provincial Community Planning Branch with the Ministry of Government Relations is the approving authority for subdividing land in the R.M. All applications for subdivision must be submitted to Community Planning in order to begin the process.


A copy of the subdivision application is referred by Community Planning to the R.M. for review, comment and endorsement. The applicant includes a plan of proposed subdivision prepared by a Saskatchewan Land Surveyor. The plan of proposed subdivision shows the location, dimensions and boundaries of the parcels to be subdivided and includes sites features such as existing buildings, approaches, adjacent roadways, water bodies, municipal or environmental reserve lands and utility rights-of-way.




The purpose of consolidation is to combine two parcels, owned by the same entity or landowner(s), to create one, larger parcel under one legal title. 

In order to support consolidation, the newly created parcel must be reviewed by the R.M. Planning Department to ensure the application meets the relevant Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw and any other planning policies. A report and recommendation is prepared for Council, and if approved, the consolidation can occur. Unlike a typical subdivision, approval is not required by the Ministry of Government Relations Community Planning Branch. 

An application for Consolidation must include:


  • A letter from the Landowner(s) and/or Applicant(s) containing support and reasoning for the application, as well as the Legal Land Description, applicant name and contact information, roadway access, servicing, existing and proposed land use information, etc.; and
  • A Descriptive Type II Plan, prepared by a Saskatchewan Land Surveyor or the Landowner/Applicant. The form can be found on the Information Services Corporation website, here.